100 Days of Writing

J. S. U.
2 min readOct 22, 2020

I have spent the early chapters of my life creating content for other people.

Working as a photographer, you get to be a part of some pretty exciting moments. And before COVID, some of those moments were starting to outlive me.

I’ve traveled the world, lived in another country, and fell in love, thrice.

I was blessed, and of course, I took it for granted.

However, I will say that living abroad tops my list. Witnessing and documenting other cultures made me appreciate where I come from that much more.

I am a Mexican-American born Venezuelan from Miami. I’ve lived all over California and abroad in Berlin. When people ask me where I’m from, I usually go with the shorter version: Miami.

Fast forward to 2019, I was going through a bad break-up and Medium popped up on my TL.

Soon after I started writing, much like I did as a kid when I would write for fun, and win writing contests in the second grade. Only the issues have evolved, the relationships have changed, the world is dying, music is expanding, love has lost, and love has won.

I urge everyone, given the circumstances, to share some of those, thoughts, ideas, stories, and situations right here. Which is a good segway to the real reason I brought you this far.

I will be exercising my writing chops every day until I am unable to recognize my own work.

The first exercise: write every day for the next 100 days.

This should (in theory) expand my writing and improve my storytelling.

After, I tackle my first book idea.

Then… who knows.

I just want to thank anyone still interested, and you’re welcome to bring anyone along for the ride.

As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe,

J . S . U .

J. S. U. the writer

